Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 15 of the Truth Dare

We are 1/2 way through the 30 day Truth Dare!
Here are the 5 Wild Leadership Principles we have been focusing on...

  1. To lead well, you must learn to follow well
  2. To lead well, you must learn to love well
  3. To lead well, you must submit to a renewed mind
  4. To lead well, you must die daily to your own dreams and trust in God's plans for you
  5. To lead well, you must learn to Praise God in the hard times.
If we would pay attention to these themes our lives and our influence would be changed.

Praise Prayer/ Psalm 1:1-2 ( God's Word Translation)
Blessed is the person who does not
follow the advice of wicked people,
take the path of sinners,
or join in the company of mockers.

Rather, he delights int he teachings of the Lord
and reflects on his teachings day and night.

Truth Dare
Galatians 5:16
"So I say live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature."

Challenge Steps
  • Look at all 5 WILD principles of leadership and ask yourself, "am I living in this?"
  • One by one pray over each principle asking God to give you conviction to make these a reality
  • Think of what living by the Spirit would look like to you. Picture yourself in a "living by the Spirit" reality. What looks different?
  • Now think of what living in your sinful nature looks like. Picture yourself as a leader, with secrets of sinful nature living...what does that woman look like? How could this affect the leader and those whom she is leading?
  • Continue with Praise. Think of One Thing today to Thank God For.

Remember our choices, of thought and action, have consequences.
Choose Christ Today!

Daily Prayer
Lord, you know me and you know the secret areas that are carefully hidden and covered over with the gloss of "nice Christian things." I am asking you to develop me into something more genuine than a "pretend" spirit follower, and make me into an authentic follower of Christ and the ways of His Spirit. Lead me into a more daring, different and determined walk of longing after what God wants, and turning away from the things that displease you.

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