Sunday, January 18, 2009

WILD Class Today...11 am

What is a WILD Class?
At Cornerstone Fellowship in Livermore, California, we are intent on building women up so that they can lead, serve and follow Jesus in the fashion they were created to do so. It is our goal to provide resources for women to grow that end.

So a WILD class is a class focused on Women In Life-Long Development...that is another way to say, Hey Girl, if you are a Christian, you really are a leader, just developing more into one each day!

I realize some of you on the blog don't live near California, but you too can hear the class. There is a free podcast on itunes, that goes up sometime after the class. ( just go to Cornerstone Women on podcast, or Debbie Alsdorf) So you can hear all the classes. We would also be happy to send you the hand out note pages if you let us know you would like them.

Today I will be sharing the speaking time with Kris Weaver, who is a Christian Coach.

Looking forward to the WILD women gathering together today!
Let's get completely surrendered to Jesus, determined to do His will, and daring to live the life He has planned for us!

Have a Great Sunday!

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