Saturday, December 6, 2008

Day 6 of Untangling Christmas

His name is Everlasting Father
He never changes. He is timeless.
He is God our Father.
Everlasting comes from the Hebrew rood ad, which means duration, continue, and advance. I can rejoice that He is a Father who will stay with me for the whole duration of the journey, continuing with me throughout my lifetime. He is a Father who gives me the advance, the next step.

One of the definitions I found for everlasting is "around the clock." He is my around-the-clock Father! He never sleeps. He cares for you and me nonstop! Some women have experienced rejection or abandonment. the pain of such an experience is real and is often carried around for years. we must all remember that it is never God who abandons. Through people can inflict real pain into our lives, God desires to set us free, in Christ, as we realize that He will always be with us 24/7.

  • He is a Wonderful Counselor
  • He is a Mighty God
  • He is the Everlasting Father
Think about WHO He is today!

Christmas Prayer
Father, the sound of that words is so sweet to me. I used to call my Father, Daddy. But he has been gone for many years. I have felt the pain of being Fatherless, and have often forgotten that though my dad on earth is no longer with me, my heavenly Father never leaves me. Help me to remember that you came, at Christmas, in that manger, to be my Father.

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