Friday, December 19, 2008

The Count Down Continues

We can be stressed if we want to.
We can worry if we wish.
But, the greatest gift ever given us was the gift of peace
given by the Prince of Peace.

Jesus said,
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

The gift is Jesus
His offer is Peace
His Peace is different than what we know
What we know is usually how we live
There is a better way
This better way is what Christmas is all about.

Do not LET your heart be troubled!
Because Jesus said we didn't have to.
Why would he say this? Because he knew who He was.
Who is He? Immanuel, the God who is with us.

The fourth step of getting out of the Christmas Funk is... to stop fanning the flames of worry, distrust or fear. To stay in the funk you Keep these embers and dramas fanned to flame. Try something different, pour cold water, fresh living water on the flames. Douse them with Hope and new focus.

Christmas Prayer
Lord, today I focus on not LETTING my heart gravitate towards worry or fear. I look to you and your presence in my life. I choose to let joy permeate the day as I realize, once again, that my day and my life is in your hands. I will celebrate today. I will celebrate life in you!

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