Many leaders can fall into the trap of being religious.
The dictionary defines religion as: one belonging to a religious organization.
But, according to Scripture, we are to be identified with belonging to Christ himself, rather than being identified to a church or organization. Though we may be part of a church community, we are always to belong to Christ and Christ alone. The problem arises when we begin to find our identity in the community rather than in Christ, and when we find our self esteem in people and serving them rather than in the love of Christ for us as individuals.
Religious activity can cause us to by-pass the authentic life of the Spirit that God is calling us to.
- We make lists and make sure we follow through.
- We do right things but sometimes for wrong reasons.
- We find identity in what we perform on the outside, with little regard to what is actually going on in the inside part of us.
- We become busy bees in our Christian circles.
- We fix things, help people, and respond to needs.
- We attend studies, go to gatherings and are in several small groups.
- We don't slow down long enough to know God.
What would happen if we made it a resolution to slow down and pick a few things that would actually bring us to a place of Knowing Jesus this year.
- What is he really about?
- What does he really require of us?
- What makes him pleased with us?
- What is his plan for us?
- What is the sound of his voice stirring my heart like?
Oswald Chambers:
"Many people start coming to God once they start being religious, because there is only one master of the human heart...Jesus Christ, not religion."
Begin Celebrating Life by Respecting it enough to Come to Christ with All of You.
Each day can be a celebration of Coming to the Father.
It can be in a quiet, closet, bathroom( for those with kids)
It can be in a car...
It can be during a prayer walk around your neighborhood
It can be on-going through short conversations throughout your day
It can be in the morning or evening
It can be anytime or just needs to BE.
How we come isn't the important part...that we Come to Him is what matters.
It often looks different during different seasons of life.
I can remember praying while I nursed a child in the early morning hours, and then later when I went into an adjoining room while the kids watched Mr. Rogers for an hour. I can remember later praying in my mini van after I dropped the car pool off at school. There was a time when I went into my car on my lunch hour and spent 30 minutes with God...reading, then praying and
journaling. Later my time with God began to be when I walked on treadmill or around the park.
Now at this stage in my life there is the luxury to plan a time, as my kids are grown and my schedule is more adaptable. But the point is, there is always time, we must look for it, grab it and cling on to our spiritual refreshment from God with all that is within us.
If not we become religious task women, getting the things checked off our lists, looking good and doing good, but not connected to our first love...Jesus.
Listen to the words out of Revelation 2:
"I know what you do, how you work hard and never give up. I know you do not put up with the false teaching of evil people You have patience and have suffered troubles for my name and have not given up. But I have this against you: You have left the love you had in the beginning. So remember where you were before you fell. Change your hearts and do what you did at first."
Revelation 2:2-5 New Century Version
When we wander away from our love for Christ and replace that love with works, it like falling off a cliff or into a pit of deception. We need to pay attention.
How WILD would it be to REALLY be in love with Jesus, REALLY listen to His voice, REALLY pay attention to His Word, and REALLY come to Him each day with our life, our cares, and our joys.This would be WILD because not many do this, we opt for religion or Christian activity instead.
Let's strive for this New Kind of WILD!
Today's PrayerLord, show me what coming to you looks like in this season of my life. Help me to see the need and follow after you the way you desire me to. Forgive me for putting things, leadership things, family things, life front of you. May I learn to reverse this and put you in front of all things concerning each day. I desire to be wildly devoted to you and passionately in love with you. I am not sure I know what that REALLY looks like. Change me and Show me.